
Rocky Rocky


Sophie Sophie


Nascimento: 03/04/2011

Shar Pei

Machos: 4

Fêmeas: 4

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree

Filhotes Shar Pei


Luckywun I Want To Be a Rockstar Too Luckywun I Want To Be a Rockstar Too

Luckywun I Want To Be a Rockstar Too

Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star

Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star

Lucky Wun Bling Bling Lucky Wun Bling Bling

Lucky Wun Bling Bling

Lucky Wun Heart Of A Clown Lucky Wun Heart Of A Clown

Lucky Wun Heart Of A Clown

Lucky Wun Sweet Lemonade Lucky Wun Sweet Lemonade

Lucky Wun Sweet Lemonade

Lucky Wun Squeezeplay Lucky Wun Squeezeplay

Lucky Wun Squeezeplay

Lucky Wun Uptown Girl




Sophie De Tianzi Sophie De Tianzi

Sophie De Tianzi

Kiawah Spike Kiawah Spike

Kiawah Spike

Isis a Princesa de Galaouchi Isis a Princesa de Galaouchi

Isis a Princesa de Galaouchi

Jade East I Did it my way Jade East I Did it my way

Jade East I Did it my way

Asias Grace under the fire Asias Grace under the fire

Asias Grace under the fire

Jade East I'm Not Kidding Jade East I'm Not Kidding

Jade East I'm Not Kidding

Chernyi-Chizh Beat The Clock Chernyi-Chizh Beat The Clock

Chernyi-Chizh Beat The Clock

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