
Nascimento: 10/06/2020

Shar Pei

Machos: 0

Fêmeas: 1

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree

Filhotes Shar Pei


Jolerob Angels Above the Law Jolerob Angels Above the Law

Jolerob Angels Above the Law

Jokuba's Above the Law Jokuba's Above the Law

Jokuba's Above the Law

Jolerob Wait'd for this Angel Jolerob Wait'd for this Angel

Jolerob Wait'd for this Angel

Rumples the brave just do it Rumples the brave just do it

Rumples the brave just do it

Asias-Jokuba Whiptastic Fantastic Asias-Jokuba Whiptastic Fantastic

Asias-Jokuba Whiptastic Fantastic

Kou's the Cowboy in me Jolerob Kait Kou's the Cowboy in me Jolerob Kait

Kou's the Cowboy in me Jolerob Kait

Jolerob Angels and Halos Jolerob Angels and Halos

Jolerob Angels and Halos




Lucy In The Sky de Tianzi Lucy In The Sky de Tianzi

Lucy In The Sky de Tianzi

Lucky Wun I Want To Be A Rockstar Too Lucky Wun I Want To Be A Rockstar Too

Lucky Wun I Want To Be A Rockstar Too

Noble Dynasty Blue Zuca Noble Dynasty Blue Zuca

Noble Dynasty Blue Zuca

Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star

Lucky Wun HillBilly Rock Star

Lucky Wun Bling Bling Lucky Wun Bling Bling

Lucky Wun Bling Bling

Noble Dynasty Mission Blue Maia

Noble Breed Fada of Noble Dynasty

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